

Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is the condition of male breasts or enlarged breasts in men caused by genetics or certain medications or drugs. Our doctors at Rowe Plastic Surgery are highly adept at performing breast reduction surgery for men to eliminate large breasts in men and restore self-confidence. As leading New York and New Jersey gynecomastia surgeons, our doctors work privately and compassionately with men to help them achieve a firmer, flatter chest.

Your Male Breast Reduction

Our surgeons understand that gynecomastia is a condition resistant to diet and exercise. Their surgical expertise can help you achieve a well-defined, masculine chest that looks and feels as fit and toned as the rest of your body. Dr Rowe and Dr Pierce will conduct a thorough examination of your gynecomastia and determine whether surgery is needed on one or both sides of your chest. Expert attention is paid to symmetry and masculine lines as he removes fatty tissue with liposuction, eliminates excess skin, and tightens your chest muscles.

“… Dr. Rowe makes everything about what you want. He asks you what your breast surgery end goals are and focuses on them….I’m only upset I didn’t do this sooner! ~E.A.

Gynecomastia Treatment Recovery

Just after surgery you will wear a compression vest specifically designed for men. It is easily concealed under clothing and will help promote healing while easing your comfort. We recommend the support of a friend or family member during your recovery. If you wish, we can provide skilled nursing care in the privacy of your home. You should be able to return to work within a week to ten days of your procedure.

Male Breast Reduction Results

The level of improved confidence with male breast reduction surgery is significant. Dr Pierce and Dr Rowe’s gynecomastia patients report life-changing results after surgery and are extremely pleased with their more masculine and defined chests, both in and out of clothing. Their highly skilled technique yields near-invisible scarring for even greater patient satisfaction.

Schedule My Consultation

Our knowledgeable staff will answer your questions about breast reduction surgery for men in detail and privacy. If you would like to schedule a consultation or learn more about the procedure, call 732.852.2770.

