
Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty is a type of plastic surgery designed to correct the appearance of a flabby stomach. Often childbirth or significant weight loss results in weakened abdominal muscles and excess skin of the stomach. Additionally, those who struggle to lose stomach fat through toning exercises and diet are good candidates for tummy tuck surgery and may consider adding liposuction to the procedure for optimal results.  Our board certified plastic surgeons at Rowe Plastic Surgery have helped countless patients achieve slimmer waists and more toned, flatter stomachs through their abdominoplasty procedure.

“Thanks for helping me get bikini ready for summer. Again, thanks for your patience I know I am not the easiest patient. ~C.S.

Your Tummy Tuck Surgery

Each tummy tuck performed by our doctors is unique to the patient’s needs and body goals. During surgery, an easily hidden incision is placed below the bikini line to allow our surgeons to reposition and tighten the stomach muscles. The stomach is then carefully smoothed as excess skin is removed and the belly button is repositioned. In most cases, abdominal skin with stretch marks can be completely removed. For the smoothest and firmest results, our surgeons may also perform some liposuction to further flatten the stomach and contour the waist.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Abdominoplasty is a moderately invasive procedure that will require rest and assistance at home. If you prefer to recover in a luxurious area hotel our staff will be happy to provide recommendations, as well as information on private nursing care. A compression garment will be worn just after surgery to ease comfort and reduce swelling. You will be able to return to work within a few weeks and our surgeons will advise you regarding the resumption of more strenuous physical activity.

Tummy Tuck Results

As swelling subsides and your body heals, your firm and tight stomach will continue to emerge. Patients are thrilled with their slimmer stomachs both in and out of clothing. While a tummy tuck does not prevent or complicate future pregnancies, some of the effect of the tummy tuck may be diminished if a patient becomes pregnant. For all other patients, tummy tuck results can be long lasting with proper attention to exercise and healthy eating. Significant weight gain can impact your tummy tuck results.

